Sunday, February 5, 2017

Back In The Saddle, Dodging Iron Raindrops

After a long, long hiatus, CID Vicious is back on the keys.

After losing nearly everything...spending months on the cold ground with my dog, scraping up enough to buy a wagon to get out of Monterey, and losing that wagon to LAPD just months later...more concrete pillows...exploitation...street fights...and finally, another box on wheels for the Pooch and I to call home.

Since then, I've been betrayed by wannabe gangster friends, wandered the US from the Mississippi west...Michigan, NOLA, Tucson, Los Angeles, Seattle, LA again, Seattle again, Kansas to hang out with Frater X and work on a breakthrough opportunity that was not to be...and back to Oregon to get properly introduced to some Grammy nominated, Gold Record earning talent.

I've picked Muscaria in Guitar Center parking lots, found my nemesis' nemesis' guitar pick in a pile of picks on top of an amp at a jam, was wearing an Earl Slick sig guitar around my neck with a Mick Ronson strap the day Bowie died, worked the Beyonce show that was hit by lightning, made alliances and friendships with some of the authors I personally respect most, and actually have the personal research materials in my hands, with personal notes, for one of modern Conspiracy Literature's modern classics, as a personal gift by the author. One of my high school musical heroes literally made me a fucking omelette on my visit coming back to LA from Portland.

Oh, and I missed Grant's Pass being shut down for miles and the literal Largest Deposit of Snow in the World on Record recently driving home through Mount Shasta.

Not bad for a Rubber Tramp.

As one might imagine, procuring a worthwhile laptop to compose on again while living under duress and having other considerations financially was not easy. I refuse to write more than a comment or so via a smartphone.

But then, in this time of Madness and Lunacy, perhaps my acid tongue and indomitable spirit are seeing their time to shine.

Cornell West could not speak truth during the Obama administration and be heard, he himself could not find an ear, what chance did I have to say anything that wouldn't have been browbeaten back, because to be of the wrong color and criticize the Black President was inevitably going to be smeared as racist - while the Deporter In Chief deported more illegal immigrants than all of those 'racist' white Presidents of the 20th century did.

Having 'racist' shouted at you by people who 'believe you shouldn't judge anyone'...when did the Right become the Party of Irony Appreciators?

As Freeman Fly notes, the Powers That Be have measures and means to manipulate the Crowd which they govern. One of these measures is the 'Apathy Dipstick', and when Gitmo remained open to silence; when Obama's connection to Chicago organized crime and Henry Kissinger went unnoticed; when the 'Anti-War Left' took an 8 year vacation as the War Theatre was expanded and civilians were droned to death in droves; when John Stewart began tossing underhand softballs after 8 years of brutally knuckle-balling Bush to great applause; when you were 'racist' to point that a Black Man is signing off on deporting millions of mostly Latin immigrants; they then knew they could sell Ice to Inuits.

Now, look at the madness we are all surrounded by.

The Left, whom I have criticized often but while considering myself a member of it, have now become the Point Of Concern.

I was in the South while the riots in Ferguson raged. I saw that when a dozen or more black men took 'revenge' on a random, lone, white civilian, no one was disgusted. Excuses were made, if you even heard of the incident outside the immediate area. Not that it wouldn't have been given a load of excuses for the racist reactionary behavior of some...

I returned to LA and listened as the New Black Panther party spoke on the radio about the gangsters that are grabbing the reigns of power in that organization, I listened to NPR as they gave airtime (not live air, this was chosen in the editing booth) to 'concerned black citizens' who were promoting violence and even went so far as to respond "Oh, we're not stopping at Equality" when asked what their motives were. Saw Martin Luther King Jr's "We have integrated into a burning house" quote taken as 'proof' that they needed to further segregate themselves and 'fight white power', meanwhile such a quote reflects the reality MLK often spoke of for white Americans living in the South. That the powers that be would string your white ass up right next to a black person for speaking out, as 1 out of 3 lynching victims at the time were white, and you would be economically and physically attacked by other, in power whites for resisting the ingrained culture.

So, having "integrated into a burning house", he saw that it wasn't White Power but Power that ran the show. Being equal with the average white man had little to do with prosperity and social power. That there was little "white privilege" to speak of.

That Power respects Power. Look at the ruling classes of different races - they have little trouble rubbing elbows with powerful people of differing backgrounds, while the lower classes were quick to find conflict, much to the glee of their masters above. MLK himself was a celebrity and elite intellectual with a doctorate, not merely some Average Joe Rabble Rouser getting folks riled up at a bar.

I see BLM advocates trying to fling Racist accusations at whites because Trump talks about the same wall Hillary Clinton proposed in 2006, while their own platform promotes segregation of races, land grabbing, inequality, and firmly established borders for their fantasy territory.

The only 'fascism' I see out there are people utilizing Voter Intimidation while being prodded on by the Antifa and being given lion status by the Mainstream Media, whom the Left suppose is a Right mouthpiece any time it posits something they don't agree with.

I see black people attacking white people *without even being sure that they are Trump supporters*. 42% of white eligible voters that participated in this past election *did not vote for Trump*. Nearly a coin-flip's chance, taking out of the equation of course the 45% of Americans who opted "None Of The Above" and didn't vote for the System at all.

I see what was originally characterized as Antifa on Antifa violence outside a Seattle Milo rally as it turned into a juicier story of an Asian Trump supporter getting beat up, his MAGA hat stolen, and when he confronted his attacker to regain his hat, and was met with violent intent, he shot his attacker in self defense, thus being released with no charges by Seattle PD. So the Antifa, aside from engaging in fascist activities as they 'fight fascism', are themselves not unlikely, it seems, to engage in racial violence themselves, even if their preferred victims are other white people wearing the 'wrong hat'.

I see a black 'anti-bullying advocate' woman beating up on an elderly white man and smiling in court, showing zero remorse, and zero acknowledgement of the irony of her actions. Few people are more easy targets for bullying than the elderly.

I see another elderly man stopped in traffic by a group of angry black men who forced him out of his car, beat on him, kicked him, ransacked his car, and then, when he tried to prevent them stealing his car, was dragged alongside it at speeds up to 65mph, and was let go mid-corner at 45mph. This would be considered attempted murder and a Hate Crime by any reasonable standard.

I see four black youth abducting a young white Special Needs man, torturing and scalping him live on the internet, and the same week all anyone talks of on the Left is what a speech Meryl Streep gave. On her bully pulpit, taking advantage of her prestige and wealth to bully others into thinking as she does.

Imagine the furor if four white youths abducted and scalped a special needs black man live on camera. Imagine that being ignored by the media.

I see BLM leaders in Seattle saying "we need to start killing people" and advocating essentially mass looting, 'your money, your homes, we're coming for it all'.

I see the Left talking casually about 'punching Nazis' because they didn't even watch the video with Richard whatshisname, certainly didn't notice the "WHITE LIVES MATTER TOO MUCH" sign in the background, and weren't paying attention to *what he was actually saying, literally before the sucker-punch*, which was that he wasn't a Nazi, didn't Identify as a Nazi, and was not even admired by Neo-Nazi groups.

Of course, as everyone has already pointed out, we have a bunch of people burning living trees on the campus of a publicly owned University, destroying property public and private, gang-stomping lone white people, macing women, all in the name of denying a Gay, Jewish Immigrant with a fetish for Black Men a change to speak his mind.

It's not so much 'punching Nazis' as 'smearing anyone you don't agree with with the Nazi brush to justify violence against them'. If the Leftists, Liberals, supposedly, think you are a Nazi, then to them you are a valid target, even if all you have utilized thus far are words.

I see those who used to post "If Your Ideas Can Only Be Enforced By Violence, Then Your Ideas Are Worthless" memes during the Bush years, and yeah even during the Obama years, wondering aloud if the Left is being violent enough yet.

And the justification of this? Words. Not actions, like the Departed Deporting Droner-In-Chief.

Angry about Trump, but mute about Obama, whom Trump's policies largely reflect. Iraq was on a ban list for 6 months under Obama, but we don't remember because the Left wasn't into the whole 'truth' thing that whole time. "Our guy" won, so we stopped paying attention.

Ask Cornell West if this sowed the Seeds of the future Trump victory and his popular support. Since, as a white, heterosexual male sure of his gender, I am suspect. Though I am also a Pagan, Homeless Artist who obviously has spent little time in this piece or elsewhere Praising The Cheeto, who was in a band with the hippies who invented Flower Power, who has taken two black homeless men off of the street and personally housed them for months at a time and in one case personally employed him, though I have been a friend and confidant to LGBT, though my ex is "blacker than the Ace of Spades" by her words, though most of my best friends have been Jews, Mexicans, Biracial People, I am prone to being labeled a Nazi and shouted down because in 2013 I wore a Fedora in a few pictures. Smoking gun proof of ill intent, which, of course...

...should be met with Preemptive Strikes, Bush Style, to prove how different you really are from those war-mongers, and how strong your ethical and moral positions, and argued positions, really are. 

Well, maybe you did. I have been seeing the cracks in the facade since Obama was the President Elect.

I continue to notice that which most people do not. Stay tuned for more...

"If your anti-war stance depends on whom is holding office, the problem is with you."

Friday, March 20, 2015

Interesting How Things Unfold

So I have been...quite busy with life since the last post I had.

There are other details on other blogs under the CID Vicious umbrella...although, anyone can tell you, having your laptop suddenly develop a mystery glitch where suddenly the shift key doesn't register anymore...but only for the letter T. Think about that. There are a lot of sentences. Thousands start with T. So does The Title Of Everything. So yeah, took a break as my technological gremlins worked themselves out. Trying to get this out on a phone was not about to begin happening.

I have had a few interesting interactions to that previous material, but I realize some of the controversy is tone. I have a rather angry voice at times, and the medium of print can magnify that. And it overshadowed much of the actual point. A call for Holarchy instead of Matriarchy OR Patriarchy probably came off as a misogynist screed to some. That's a failing of communication, and I simply felt I should do better.

I've mostly held back from attempting to be a 'content creator' as far as the Truth Movement, Conspiracy Theory and other inadequate labels are concerned. Mostly because while I have had the Fervor for many years, it was awhile before a truly bigger picture began emerging to me. And realizing this, being self conscious and self investigating, I squashed my previous attempts and went into study mode for the most part.

I wanted to make sure I was adding to the signal end of the ratio, rather than noise.

I am going to tentatively going to restart my attempt at doing just that, slowly. On this weirdest day - Spring Equinox + Supermoon + Solar Eclipse + CERN reactivation - on the eve of World War Three, for all appearances, I start to see where certain stories are actually incomplete, where my perspective was actually needed.

In a world of so many voices clamoring for ears busy with clamor, I felt for awhile my best contribution was Shutting Up. Especially as I came to grips with the sources of my anger that dripped off of my pages in my past.

I'm ready to change my mind on that now.

You have been warned. ;-)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

On Extremist Feminism, Emasculation As a Social Tool, and the History of Modern 'Man' and his Gods

If you notice, when asked, most feminists are not against 'hierarchy', but 'patriarchy'. I.E., they wish for a matriarchy, and many men have gone over to this side, because it makes them seem progressive and likely to get laid from females that don't think Ann Romney is just Peachy Keen. Understandably so, but it's no way to go through life, Son. 

And just like it's hard to be a 'white' person pointing out Obama is just as much of a jackass as any of the white presidents and not be seen by some as a closet Tea Partier, it's hard to defend Men and Masculinity without coming across as a Todd Akin clone. 

Rex Church points out that the 'patriarchal' Church is not Masculine at all, it's a Feminine Earth religion encouraging the acceptance of one's enslavement (as your 'reward is in the afterlife') and instilling 'the will to crawl back into the Womb.' When you start your piece off with a check-in on how the former High Priest of the Church of Satan views the issues, you know it's going to get...interesting.

As a matter of fact, for all of it's 'reason', Matriarchy is the product of what, now? Religion. So the Satanist quote, being not only a belief and Religion but a Abrahamic one as well, is appropriate. 

Extreme Feminists, like other bigots, simply want to be the ones holding the whip handle, not create a world of equality and peace in which all people are equal. "Don't breed Men, Don't feed Men", etc. I don't wish to lump in perfectly reasonable females that point out that equality hasn't quite arrived and we still have work to do, but to steal from George Carlin, wanting to change the name of Manhole Covers to Personhole Covers is going a bit too far. 

Women will routinely write off or outright deny the while 'men are the ones causing all the problems!', THEY are the ones raising all the Men. Generation upon generation of apparently 'perfectly loving' women haven't seemed to make a dent. Never mind what Men are out committing 'masculine' crimes at the behest of the women in their lives right now.  Which they'll gladly point out to you in another conversation, just wait. From Ed Gein's mother to the Queen of any kingdom, to Helen of Troy, how often has it been said that "Behind every Powerful Man lies a Powerful Woman'? Does not the responsibility extend as much as the credit?

Yet all 'responsibility', i.e. the nuts and bolts solutions to the real world problems of Food Shelter Warmth Light etc, lies with Men somehow, just like real life. Much like we're supposed to work in coal mines and other dangerous jobs or sell our sell to the Corporate Devil to fulfill our one 'worth', that of mindless providers for mothers and brats alike. If we're even to have a relation to our progeny. Ask anyone familiar with Father's Rights down to the feminists determined to raise children without any Male influence, either Actual or 'Ideal'. (Whose Ideal?)

An Egalitarian approach is neither Matriarchal nor Patriarchal, but a Partnership like any good marriage. Being out of balance and whacked on power, just on the opposite polarity, doesn't strike me as any greater bargain. Yet we don't see much of this rhetoric in play. Ruth Bader Ginsburg just went on record with her opinion on how many US Supreme Court Justices should be female: "When there are Nine." I would call this attitude 'typical' of the holders of these views, which when viewed with an unbiased eye, are just as repulsive as Mitt Romney and his Binders Full Of Women. 

Frankly, just as a Black Man can be as Racist as a White Man or any other person really, Women can be - and often are - Sexist. The nature of their approach is the differentiation. It's much like the difference between the victim of murder being slowly poisoned to death with their afternoon tea or bludgeoned to death in a beating - one may sound like a better alternative but it ends up with an undue death all the same. 

Earth/Goddess worship, aka Female Dominant society, was not without it's crimes against Man in particular. In Goddess temples many devout men were required to undergo castration in order to become a priest, which was a secondary position in the heirarchy much like the Nun is in a Catholic Church today. Only Nuns don't have to undergo a double Mastectomy to serve the 'masculine' Catholic Church, which would actually mean in real terms, kid fucking aside, Catholics have a slight edge on the Earth Mamas at this point in the conversation. Speaking of kid fucking, ie sexual torture, how often is it that little girls are subjected vs the seemingly ubiquitous boys by Catholic Priests? 

Not saying it's a smoking gun right there, of course, but every stroke paints the picture, if you'll let me use such a Phallic term. I prefer to not have to pretend I don't have a Penis just as local women form a parade every year to not have to avoid pretending they have Titties, if you don't mind...

(You thought I was going to say 'Breasts', didn't you? Poor clod...if nothing else, when do you get to capitalize 'Titties'?)

You said it, Kenny. I think, at least.

In Matriarchal societies men are second class citizens, to be brief. Does this strike you as somehow better? Retribution rather than forgiveness? Does Enslaving the Slave Driver create a Better World, is that the gist? 

That one sex has the power and keeps the other down in one instance is appalling - switch sexes, and all of a sudden it's a grand quest for 'Equality'.

I came up with a simple mathematical equation to explain this simple concept, "Equality":

=  =  =
≠  ≠  =
=  ≠  ≠
=  =  =

"Equality equals Equality. 
Inequality does not equal Equality.
Equality does not equal Inequality.
Equality equals Equality."

The above spells it out almost to the point of redundancy, yet for many the concept seems just beyond their grasp, on the tip of their tongue, as it were. 

It's a simple enough concept, yet somehow retribution and personal power lust seems to be quite ok, as long as 'white' 'men' are not doing it. Both terms disqualify you from claiming the right to do exactly as the oppressing class does today with seeming ethical carte blanche, thus really being a litmus test to find assholes that thought Hitler had it wrong - not what he did, but to which group, or perhaps, the group in charge. The retribution of the 'wronged' (remember, the Nazis promoted the idea of Germans as victims of Jewish greed, etc) is more important than exploring both inner and outer space, together, in peace, forever, to paraphrase Bill Hicks. Just look at Israel - a mere two years after Their (not The) Holocaust, they are committing war crime level atrocities, invading a peaceful country and marginalizing citizens who are not born the 'correct' race or religion. You'd think the gap would be wider, is what I'm saying here...

Back to the Catholics, since they're the most visible Christian denomination and most powerful and structured: it has been pointed out that the Holy Ghost is essentially Mary. Father-Mother-Sun (er, Son, I'll get to that) was too obviously 'pagan' (not to mention 'natural') to be acknowledged - though even the Pope has finally admitted Christmas is a Pagan holiday with no connection whatsoever to Jesus. Instead, the Father, Son, and "Holy Ghost". Well, let's look at it from this perspective:

Which element is actively hidden?

Keep in mind that, according to Jewish tradition, if your Mother was Jewish, you are too. If she was a Gentile, you are too. 

Genetically, this is related to the Mitochondrial DNA, which the offspring get from their mother, and also possibly Sumerian rights of succession. Somehow doesn't seem the choice that would be made by an all-powerful Patriarchy bent on making women subordinates in every mundane, much less holy, aspect of life. 

The real Pagan equivalent of 'God' in Abrahamic Religions is not the Sun as supposed by far too many 'scholars', but Father Sky - Uranus or  Zeus, thrower of Lightning, and you can look up the info on to find out more about the Cosmic Bolt Thrower. 

Real quick: 

Jehovah means 'jealousy', as in, "I am a Jealous God and thou shalt have none before Me.". (’s-name-is-“jealous”/)

Just as Abrahamism 'eclipsed' Paganism (at the tip of a sword, natch), Jehovah has obscured our view of the very Universe that bore us, not this mere planet and not this painfully average (and not entirely beneficial) Sun. Only recently in our history have we regained the ability to look out upon the Cosmos with some relatively correct idea of what we were seeing. Such is the power of a bad idea with enough screaming idiots willing to promote it...

The Sun rises every morning, obliterating our view of the Universe and and it's infinite wonder and mystery, to reinforce the 'me, Me, ME!!!!' of an inferior, or at least merely average, God in a rich and practically infinite pantheon of lesser Gods AND Goddesses that make up the unified Creator. That which cannot be named because Nothing came before It. "The Dao that can be named is not the true Dao", "I Am That I Am", "Thou Art That", etc. 

If you'll notice, as has been remarked by many a scholar, God in the beginning of the Bible and Torah is nameless. Only later does 'He' name Himself or even specify a sex, supposedly, and this roughly corresponds to 'His' acting quite the Douchebag. Once "God The Creator" acquires a name, "He" starts acting like an Asshole. See Jung's "Answer To Job" on this problem. 

Thus you have the Gnostic view of the Demiurge, the Half-Creator. The Sun is 99.99% of the matter in the solar system, and the local source of matter, it is true. On a local level, worship of the Sun is a forgone conclusion at this point, and from a limited perspective, absolutely correct.  

But we know now - and more importantly, knew THEN, before Ignorance became state policy and the Dark Ages were visited upon the Earth, as Christianity rose, 'coincidentally' - that the Sun is practically nothing in merely Galactic terms, much less Universal. We are less than a rounding error by even the sunniest, most optimistic standards. Even our Sun is practically just an atom in the giant's toenail. 

I quoted George Carlin before, and even he said he was a Sun Worshipper in one of his more famous routines, dazzled by our Local Star into forgetting that those other lights we see at night aren't just 'pinholes in the curtains of night', but a Pantheon of Gods stretching as far as the speed of light can show us. Even great minds and Smellers of Bullshit such as he have been led astray in this regard. While I won't write his viewpoint off on the account of one routine meant to perhaps clash with modern religion in favor of paganism's tropes, to the less than obsessed, even ol' George seemed to agree with this 'pro Solar' consensus. 

Thus you can see how the Monotheism of the Atonists/Atenists was kicked out of Egypt under Akhenaten, changed clothes to become 'The Hebrews', and put forth a Manifesto to Take Over The World, called by some the Torah, others the Bible or the Koran, but always 'The Law'. This is still used as precedent to this day - from Manifest Destiny to "Yahweh" 'giving' the Land known today as Israel to the Hebrews, even though by 'given' even the Bible acknowledges we're supposed to read 'conquered by military force'. Apparently changing the hearts and minds of enemy populations and leaders wasn't always a trick Jehovah could just whip out at a party. 

Don't YOU always pick a random thrown-away version of your slave caste to teach both mundane Royal Secrets (military, political, etc) and Holy Secrets to, no? Or was 'Moses' a Pharoah? Akhenaten was the last of the line of 'renegade' Pharaohs that tried to subvert the Traditional Order and replace it with - you guessed it - Monotheism based on Aten, The Sun God. Then he was kicked the fuck out of Egypt. Sounds quite similar, and one would imagine as Priest King he would take his Religious Followers with Him, as they constituted his Divine Right to Rule by their belief in Him as the Living Representative of God. Not unlike the Pope...How convenient, to be King AND Pope! Oh, wait, did I just read Cardinal Ratzinger's mind? I digress...

Many scholars have remarked on the ridiculous inconsistencies in the 'official' Moses narrative, from it's obvious origins in earlier Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, to the mystery of the route taken, to the similarities between 'Hebrew' King names and those given to contemporary at the time Pharaohs. 

Without this getting mistaken for a rote 'Jew Banker Conspiracy' piece, Abrahamism has effectively Conquered the World, as the 'Good Book' says, but mostly through Christianity and Islam. If you realize the Torah, Bible, and Koran are Political Manifestos and not 'prophecy' you can simply fast forward the VHS tape of world events and see Abrahamism leave Egypt about 2-3 thousand years ago and spread over the Globe - as Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, and Islam. Literally, the New World Order, which has been likened to a Christian Crusade by some, has been unfolding before our eyes for so long it has simply become 'world history' to the Profane. 

Wonder why. 

Egypt obviously has nothing to do with recent history. 

"The Power that conquered the Plains Indians and other American tribes 500 years ago was the same power that conquered Pagan Europe a thousand years earlier - that of Christianity" - Vine Deloria, Jr., American Indian scholar,  paraphrased from memory.

One could get away with trading 'Christianity' with 'Abrahamism' and the above statement still holds water.

Judaism would seem a rather innocent addition, but look into the Talmud ("The Soul of the Law") and what it says the Devout are to do upon entering a Gentile/Goyim place of business or residence, and more importantly, see the undue influence today of Israel and the rhetoric used by the state to justify atrocities towards the Palestinians. Frankly most religions have their say on both war and peace, and perhaps both states are inevitabilities; however the idea that '[pick your version of Abrahamism] is purely about Peace' is patently false, and can be proven so by picking a random news source and spending five minutes. Spend longer, the more Universal the problem seems to become. 

Any other Religious Bigots committing Genocide against those they Hate for being born the wrong Race, would be called out immediately for doing so. Especially considering the post-47 death toll, on both sides. As many Jews who just wanted a 'land of their own' like the pamphlet said wandered into a shit situation that they didn't know the totality of as well, and many ethical Jews come to the pro Peace, anti Zionist side, even though the news doesn't seem to care. 

Don't think I'm picking on the Jews here. The Catholics, Protestants, and Muslims all stand guilty of the same. The worst one could say is they're 'sneaky' about it while the last three make no bones about bringing the world to it's knees in the 'service of God'. Though that's debatable - seems the former three are pretty 'sneaky' their damned selves, if you don't mind my saying so. 

They might differ in what errant name they give their God, and some particulars, but put it this way - seen any Hindu invasions lately? Great Confucian Crusades? Zen Buddhists storming...anything? Daoists on the March? At least under a unified, religious front, I know folks in any of those religions might join a military or be a part of government. I specifically chose them over the even more innocent by comparison Indigenous/Pagan traditions because according to Steve Taylor's book The Fall, there is evidence that philosophies and religions around certain areas of the world affected by climate change (note the time periods specified were well before the era of the SUV) went from Egalitarian to Competitive, and Daoism, Hinduism, Bhuddism, etc are all also 'Fallen' religions, yet still seem to be less conquering, colonizing, and outright warlike than their Abrahamic brethren. 

As I've said, Abrahamism has 'Conquered the World' in their God's name. And look at the knowledge we have lost. Most of the Traditions, History, and Mythology of the Western Hemisphere has been lost to the sands of time at the hands of Catholic and Protestant priests and armies, and melted into mere gold bars and coins to finance further Conquest. From the Burning of the Library of Alexandria to modern attempts to muddy the waters to promote what is said in 'The Bible' as though it were either a monoglot text or capable of guiding humanity in a world inconceivable to the one it was written in, one sees Abrahamism's constant effort to push out competing philosophy, religion, even science - archeology that supports the 'Good Book' is valid, that which finds it false is ignored. Science which gives the Conquistador his Rifle to conquer continents in God's name is fine, but the same laboratory which produce's Galileo's observations is Heresy. 

To play Devil's Advocate to the fullest, I can also see Atheistic Scientists 'slanting' information to fit their own preconceptions the same way one would expect anyone to who has determined the outcome of the mission before they're done packing. So when someone says they have 'proof' of this thing or that in the Bible being either proven or disproven, I'm skeptical of either. Frankly, if we're trying to prove the Divine, why is it always the Bible/Torah/Koran that's something worthy of the title of 'proof' and not, say, Hinduism and their 6,000 year old tails of high-energy weapons and flying craft that seem to have been capable of at least interplanetary flight? Why does the Pope have to finally come out on the Xmas issue and it's Pagan Connections for the Christian/Abrahamist world to perhaps admit, perhaps debate, the 1000 pound pink elephant in the room? Not too long ago to suggest a thing was 'fringe', yet now we have the leader of the largest Christian denomination in the world not only saying so, but also throwing in that Christ's birthdate could be as early as 7BC according to current calendars and that, after 2000 years and God only know's how much money, research, and debate, we don't even know what season Jesus was supposedly born in, much less the precise day. Yet there is a sizable portion of humanity walking around going, 'well, at least that's sewn up, cut-and-dried...'

Has anyone taken into account that much of what certain civilizations 'gave' humanity might be Remembered rather than Invented? That remembrances of past aeons, kingdoms, civilizations, etc all point to ancient civilizations that may have had Much More, rather than Much Less, technology, knowledge and wisdom than we now possess? From Plato to the Hopi, from Atlantis to Lemuria? 

Look today at the Muslims destroying 'Pagan' statues, places of worship - World Heritage Sites! Erasing the True History so the Sheeple, especially the Men, can be easily led. And now we have the ability to rewrite history in real time. Look at the authority given to, as though some jackasses on a website were infallible. No one wants to admit we're all essentially reduced to being adrift and grasping at straws on the shoreline.

If we're led, then, to what? Slaughter in the form of War and Disease, Shearing in the forms of Labor and Taxes.  

"The white man works like a slave all his life in order to retire, to be able to loaf and hunt and fish. We already have this for which the white man is working. So why should we adopt his ways and work all our life for what we already have?"
            (comments of an old Sioux from The New Indians)

A couple thousand years ago, any Random European Pagan would have said the same about the Romans and Christians.

Amen, by the way, was the name Amun in Egypt and was the "Great Hidden God" whom Abrahmists still address their 'Christian' and 'Jewish' prayers to. But that's not all. As the TV saleman says, 'Wait, there's MORE!'

From Wikipedia, and yeah, I know, it's wikipedia, but it shows how mainstream the knowledge is:

"Amun-Ra retained chief importance in the Egyptian pantheon throughout the New Kingdom (with the exception of the "Atenist heresy" under Akhenaten). Amun-Ra in this period (16th to 11th centuries BC) held the position of transcendental, self-created[2] creator deity "par excellence", he was the champion of the poor or troubled and central to personal piety.[3] His position as King of Gods developed to the point of virtual monotheism where other gods became manifestations of him. With Osiris, Amun-Ra is the most widely recorded of the Egyptian gods.[3] As the chief deity of the Egyptian Empire, Amun-Ra also came to be worshipped outside of Egypt, in Ancient Libya and Nubia, and as Zeus Ammon came to be identified with Zeus in Ancient Greece."

Well that sounds very familiar, to say the least. 

The Male Principle in Paganism/Nature Worship/The Original Religion was Father Sky, the All-Father, and represents the Male principle as the Father to the female Earth principle of the Mother. Mono-gamy is native to Abrahamic and other "Post-The-Fall" cultures, and the Jealous Sun probably doesn't like the millions of other, and some Greater, stars 'casting their light' upon the Earth Mother each night! Wonder how he must feel about Galaxies. 

Think about it. You're 18, maybe you're going to College, maybe not, but assuming your folks are still together in this day and age, this scene inevitably plays out. 

Dad wants you out ASAP, to go far and wide, sew your wild oats, etc. Or, at least move out of what he's always considered his Future Den. 

Mom wants you stay home, go to community college, and likely will let you stay in the Basement well into your 90's. She doesn't want you to leave the Nest, like any Mama Bird. 

Neither polarity is entirely beneficial nor malevolent. We can all perhaps point to examples of people who take both paths 'too far'. 

In the past, Mom wanted you to stay home, farm, be submissive to your 'Lord', which somehow looked more like some dickhead on a horse than any kind of God-on-Earth.

Lord (n): mid-13c., laverd, loverd, from O.E. hlaford "master of a household, ruler, superior," also "God" (translating L. Dominus, though O.E. drihten was used more often), earlier hlafweard, lit. "one who guards the loaves," from hlaf "bread, loaf" (see loaf (n.)) + weard "keeper, guardian" (see ward (n.)). Cf. lady, and O.E. hlafæta"household servant," lit. "loaf-eater." Modern monosyllabic form emerged 14c. As an interjection from late 14c. Lord's Prayer is from 1540s. Lord of the Fliestranslates Beelzebub (q.v.) and was name of 1954 book by William Golding. To drink like a lord is from 1620s. 
- Online Etymology Dictionary

The 'Lord' was the guy keeping you from having food unless you worked. Kinda like an ancient Mitt Romney. Notice the latin 'Dominus' for God is our root of the word 'Dominate'. Also see 'Bootstrappy'. 

While Ma wanted you to cowtow, Dad wanted you to go out and explore, even Conquer. The former is the safe and known path, the other is the hazardous and unknown. Both natures have their purpose in life. 

In the modern age, Father Sky wants us to leave the Earth and explore an Infinite Universe waiting to be discovered. Which, entering the Space Age, we have begun to do.

Mother Earth would have us stay here until the Sun explodes. Or, perhaps, go back to a primitive existence. Which should be allowed ideally for anyone who wishes to live that way.

However, ask an Irishman, African, or AmerIndian how sitting around hunting, fucking, and partying, waiting for a warlike civilization to find you with your technological pants down, worked for them. Spoiler alert - reams of bitching ahead. 

Ultimately, we must Be Here Now. As we advance upon the Spiral that consists of both Linear Time and the Cycle of Recurrence, we cannot 'go back'. Only forward, from where our feet now stand. We can't just look back upon History and simply excise the bits that don't agree with our personal philosophy. Ask a neo-Hippie how that works for them - try and relive the pre-Crack era without convincing the street hustlers, cops, etc that have adapted to the prevailing condition that time stopped sometime in the 70's. Our options are many, but on the sublist of 'viable' options, Simple Denial doesn't show up. We bought the ticket, now we must take the ride.

There is no other choice. 

This even goes down to burial ritual - to literally be buried in the Earth, or to be burnt upon a Pyre and…Ascend to the Heavens. Air currents can literally lift minute pieces of your essence (ash) to the edge of Earth's atmosphere, and carried into the Cosmos by Solar Winds. If you're buried, what makes up the material 'you', and thus your soul perhaps, belong to the Earth. The Kurgans, the warriors whose descendants conquered not only the Matriarchal peoples but the rest of the world, worshipped the Sky God. They, like the Vikings, preferred the Funeral Pyre. 

Which does Christianity and other Abrahamist sects prefer again? Burial. Yet another Earth connection. Keep your soul here and submit, belong to even, this average Star and it's Earthly planetary consort. 

"Every Man and Woman is a Star." - Aleister Crowley

Greek Classical mythology states it best - first came the 'shapeless, nameless Void', then Uranos, Father Sky, then overthrown by Kronos, Time, which denoted the beginning of the 'Golden Age' - aka Time as expressed through the Cycle of Ages. Then Zeus overthrows Kronos to become the local 'Son of the Sky God', which equates with the Anu/Enlil relationship of the base Sumerian mythology, not to mention Jesus and his many archetypal brethren. Zeus, Sky God, Bolt Thrower, was the Head of the Pantheon - not the Sun God, Apollo. Apollo wasn't even a member of the Trilogy of Brothers, Zeus (Enlil), Poseidon (Enki, aka Thoth), and Hades (Amen-ti, Hades or Hell being the 'Place of the Hidden God'), who split the Realms of the Gods between them - The Sky to Zeus, The Sea to Poseidon, and The Underworld to Hades. The Earth? Left to the Goddesses to rule, of course. 

The role of the 'Hidden God' Amen-ti, and it's relation to Satan in the Abrahamic tradition, will become clearer in a minute. 

Apollo, aka the Sun? 'Sun of Zeus', aka 'Son of Zeus', aka 'Son/Sun of God'. When do we celebrate Jesus's death and resurrection? Winter Solstice. "The Sun descends to the Underworld 'dead' for Three Days, then Ascends into the Heavens to bring Light and Life to Earth." Happens every year. 

From Wikipedia:

"As the patron of Delphi (Pythian Apollo), Apollo was an oracular god—the prophetic deity of the Delphic Oracle. Medicine and healing are associated with Apollo, whether through the god himself or mediated through his son Asclepius, yet Apollo was also seen as a god who could bring ill-health and deadly plague. Amongst the god's custodial charges, Apollo became associated with dominion over colonists, and as the patron defender of herds and flocks." [Italics mine.]

Thus we see why 'God' chose Abel, the Shepherd, and his Sacrifice over that of Cain, the farmer, whose sacrifice was deemed 'unworthy'. "God of Colonists" would match with the Missionary aspect of Abrahamism, not to mention the British and Catholic empires. Of course, Jesus talked an awful lot and was known as a 'miraculous' healer.  

We can also see the parallels, as Jehovah (the Father, Uranus) eclipses Universal Paganism, so did Christianity (and later Islam) eclipse the Hebrews as Jehovah's boots-on-the-ground Shock Troops, which makes sense as Jesus equates to Zeus in the 'son taking over for the Father' aspect. See also Anu and Enlil, et al. The hardest thing about 'comparative religions' seems to be not necessarily drawing the parallels but simply keeping all of the names straight. 

Who is the "Race of Cain"?

While we're getting all kinds of funky with this shit, let's dive deep into the rabbit hole. 

There have been many theories of various weight about the identity of the "Race of Cain", and their famous Mark. 

Now, this is analogous, I'm not trying to make a literal case here: I hereby invoke the Irish Disclaimer of "I never let the facts get in the way of a good story." Instead of merely reading long enough to find something to plug into Google next to the word 'debunked', perhaps read, grok, and see if it makes sense, intuitively or rationally, if not both.

Some believe that the Mark was a mere Tattoo, which seems rather stupid even at a Human, much less Divine, level. If parents wished their children to not be identified as the Cursed Race, then they merely had to secret their offspring away from the tattoo needle. I think God could see this coming, if a mere human could. So the advertising copy says, anyway.

How would God do it, especially from our modern perspective?

How about Genetics? Are there Genetic clues to the fate and/or identity of this 'Race'? 

Well, there is the bit about the Pigs and their relation to Humans. As in, amongst all beings on Earth, we share more of our Genome with Pigs, than any Primate. 

Go ask Joey Kramer from the famous rock band Aerosmith where the skin graft on his arm came from. A few years back his Ferrari caught fire while fueling and he was badly burnt. The skin graft was made of...pig skin. 

Now does the Abrahamic view of the ingestion of Pork make sense? If they were considered a cursed race of human being, eating them would be akin to cannibalism.

To this day, in remote parts of Indonesia, human meat is labeled...Long Pig. 

And we know the legend of the Pigs of Circe, and as a child, you might have watched a little movie called Willow. The Good Guys raise an army to surround the Evil Witch's Castle, and what does she do?

"You're all PIGS!!!"

For what it's worth, when Men aren't Dogs, what are We? 

Aside from that, a more interesting candidate for the Race Of Cain could well be American Natives, or "Indians". Vine Deloria, Jr, was of the opinion that, so long as Outsiders won't call the "Indians" by the names they themselves call themselves, "American Indians" works as well as any other wrong term, and Native Americans can rightly be applied to anyone born in the Western Hemisphere. So hold off on the Turkey Day Diatribe, if you please. 

What would be the 'Mark' in this case?

Well, have you ever seen a 'clasical' American Indian with a five o'clock shadow? I mean, doesn't matter if the Whites raided them in the middle of night, always clean shaven. Few people would deny that those claiming 100% American Indian genes, yet need to budget for razors and shaving cream, may be somewhat misinformed. It was one of the Marks of the 'Gods' the Aztecs were to look for when waiting for Cortez on that fateful shore - White Men, with Beards, who would arrive on Ships at a given place on a given day, and be on Horseback. 

Note that, at least according to mainstream history, the Aztecs and other Western Hemisphere Indigenous would have never seen White Men, Men with Beards, Oceangoing Ships, Nor Horses, and few people want to touch the notion that Cortez was a participant in the 'Biggest Coincidence In Human History', that of miraculously landing on an unknown shore that happened to be full of Indians waiting to hand over their Gold to men - or Gods - who looked just like them. Awfully convenient. Even for a shitty movie, much less world history.

American Indians, ie Indigenous Peoples of North and South America, do not naturally grow facial hair. They are the Only peoples that do not on Planet Earth. 

Hmmm, could the peoples of the Western Hemisphere have been seen as a Cursed Race by the invading Christians? I don't know if you can tell by the way they were treated by the invading parties...*cough*...

Neither of the above two choices are original opinions of mine, I believe I was first introduced to them in Bramley's 'The Gods of Eden', and I believe they weren't his either. I don't have a copy of the book handy. 

I do have one original thought on it. Something perhaps only someone with my particular genetic background might have noticed. 

I'm a Redhead. Ruddy skin, freckles, green eyes, red hair. Go look up 'warning signs for susceptibility to skin cancer'. I did a long time ago. They could have just tacked on a note at the end going 'Cain, thank you for reading this, it applies to YOU!'

There's quite a bit of research tying the Celts/Brits/Irish to Northern Africa, either through our 'African Origins' or through other migration patterns that may have occurred as weather patterns - such as the Ice Age - came and went. And many folks debate continually about what, exactly, we might have looked like when we migrated out of Africa, and what might have caused said migration. And there are etymological clues too - three leafed plants are 'Shamruks' in Egyptian, of course essentially the same as Shamrock. 

Well, I, for one, have never gotten a damned Tan in my life, and I've split much of my life between Florida and Southern California. 6 years split between Venice Beach and working mostly outside in Palmdale, ie the motherfucking desert, and I'm about as dark as I'll ever get. Which is to say, not very. 

Even "White" people tan. That's why they have the tanning oils and salons and crap. Even my mother - Black Irish to the bone, unlike my Red Headed Dad - tanned up enough to make a Puerto Rican jealous, and more than a few 'black' folks too. 

Not me, though. I burn pretty much instantly compared to most people, blister and peel, and when it heals, I'm just as pale as before. My skin does not develop more melanin no matter where I live on Planet Earth. Even the Desert, where you'd think, if any climate would prod this change, that would. I used to joke that eventually enough of my freckles would merge together to form a passable tan, but so far, 3 decades in, no luck. 

Picture existing in Africa and having skin that does not tan. The most likely skin type to be fatal, ie the most likely skin type to develop skin cancer due to sun exposure. 

One so accursed might just ask himself, what did I do to piss you off, Oh Sun God? What did my Father of Fathers do to you? 

One might also go, 'hey, you don't tan either? Fuck this place, let's...I don't know, let's walk until the Sun doesn't feel like it's trying to kill us every waking moment of the day. Why? Why not?"

Perhaps this man's sacrifice was not to His, the Sun God's, liking. And perhaps He forgot how fucking crazy Redheads are, and couldn't see Cain fucking up Abel's shit over an Existential Slight. Too late now, but there' still that matter of forgive or punish...

We, Redheads, are still ok to make fun of as an ethnic group, when most folks are not - Carrot Top, 'Ginger' used with little regard to the slur that it is, called Satan's Children by fundamentalist Christians and 'recessive genotypes' by Scientists, even though by that last group's logic my mother's Black Irish/Olive skin should have diluted my father's Ruddy Skin, yet both my sister and I came out with little doubt who our Father looked like. Might have more doubt about Ma from that angle at least ;-). 

When you call someone a Rude, Backwards, "Unrefined" person, you might just use the term Neanderthal. Who seem to have haired. Rarely do you hear 'Cro-Magnon' to denote 'Caveman', but Neanderthal seems to have become the smarty-pants go-to word of choice. 

People worry more about what to properly call a Midget - sorry, come up with a better term than 'Little Person' and I'll use it - than what to call a Redhead, yet I've met plenty more fucking redheads than Midgets. Even Fat People are getting tired of being called Fat - something at least a portion of the said affected population could theoretically change if they wished. Yet when was the last time, South Park excluded, you've seen anyone touch this issue? That South Park, btw, was the episode where Cartman decided to try and eradicate Gingers, only to be made to look like one, whereupon he proceeded to round up the Gingers and try to get them to eradicate everyone else. 

For some reason, it's only the Fools of the world that seem to have any grasp of the importance of certain phenomena...

Then you have the actual world history - the Celts were seen as subhuman, at the very least second class and inferior, by the invading Germanic Angles and Saxons. Ireland's abuse at the hands of England were so great that, instead of denouncing them as fellow 'white invaders' on the one hand and 'oppressors and enslavers' by the other, Native Americans and Enslaved American Blacks recognized the Irish as fellows in Oppression. 

The Polish are also largely Red Haired, and there have been reams of insults written about that people - by 'real' Whites. As a matter of fact the Golden Haired 'Puritans' have ever fucked up the Pagan good times, most exemplified by the Irish, who are walking symbols of Bacchanalia  to this day - what other race do people wish to 'be for a day', and what other minority get so imitated on their own Saint's day, than the Irish on St. Pats? Ireland, the rest of Pagan Europe would fall to the Followers of the Sun, and those followers would follow that very Sun west, and bring the pain to another entire half of the planet.

From Wikipedia (again, I know):

"[An] Indian Chief, 'Two Eagles,' was asked by a US government official, "You have observed the white man for 90 years. You've seen his wars and his technological advances. You've seen his progress, and the damage he's done."
The Chief nodded in agreement.
The official continued, "Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?"
The Chief stared at the government official for over a minute and then calmly replied. "When white man find land, Indians running it. No taxes, No debt, Plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water, women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex."
Then the chief leaned back and smiled. "Only white man dumb enough think he improve system like that.""

One might almost say they were...Dionysian. 

And 'Puritan' Sun God worshippers? Man, they hate the Dionysians. 

Classical depiction of Dionysus...or Jim Morrison?
Could be either, but he looks Celtic-Irish at first glance...
notice the ruddy skin and Auburn tones to the hair.

And, of course, Apollo was opposed with Dionysus, the drunken, reveling, rock star acid eater - and sharer! - of the Greek Pantheon. What's the saying? "Puritanism - the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having a good time?"

Apollo is universally depicted as Golden Haired. While Dionysus might be up to debate, one of his symbols was the fox-skin - the Fox that can only be Red, Auburn, Gray, or White. Which are the phases a Redhead's hair goes, for some it's virtually Red one day and White the next. Blonde or 'Brown' hair, is a common depiction, and depending on how much Sun I get, my hair can be more brown (Auburn) or straight Red. 

As the Gnostics would say, we have been 'worshipping' the False God, the Half-Creator and NAMED god, lower case G, that was NAMED because he himself was Created. Who was There to put a Name on The Creator? No one. He is the Namer of Things, not the Named. You'll notice, much like the Saints or Angels in Christian mythology, the gods/goddesses of Pagan pantheons spend very little time claiming that they created the whole motherfucking place, probably because there's another god/goddess across the way going 'who are you trying to kid? Half of us were here when you were born.' And they all had...names. 

Contrast this with the 'first I'm a Nameless God who seems pretty cool and suddenly I'm Jehovah and a rank asshole' storyline of the contemporary Bible. Almost seems like some...HACK came around and tried to rewrite a story they perhaps hadn't grasped the depth of, doesn't it?

And this is fitting, for Mysticism unlocks the pathway to Man becoming God. So the idea of a not-very-bright (get it?) 'god' thinking he his He, THE Creator, instead of merely being one of bajillions of fully realized but ultimately lesser 'Godheads'.  How can the Infinite powers of an all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing God be increased? By making infinite copies of Himself, the Copy being Less than the Copied yet of it's Essence, yet for all intents and purposes a fully realized God capable of creating Worlds, if not also Universes. Who can also create 'lesser' 'Gods'. Who will create Beings in His or Her image, who will grow up to be Gods themselves, etc. 

Nesting Russian Dolls come to mind? Or perhaps just the old Maxim, 'the Fool thinks himself to be a Wise Man, the Wise Man knows himself to be a Fool.' The phrase still makes Gnostic sense as "The Demiurge thinks himself to be the Creator, the Creator knows he, himself, created the Demiurge."

The Bible is a Masterwork of the Art of the Magician, aka Prestidigitation or Sleight-of-Hand, the primary skill of which is...misdirection. It is an outgrowth of the 'pyramid scheme' of the Hebrews, that being 
- the Torah, the Law 
- the Talmud, Soul of the Law
- the Qabbalah, the Soul of the Soul of the law. 

At the very least, much like a Legal Document is today, the Bible/Torah/Koran was not meant to be read in Plain English or it's equivalent, and can be read one of many ways, depending if one be an Adept, an Initiate, or The Profane, producing different meanings for each. The Adept is the only one who has a hope of gleaning the truth of the matter, the other two classes merely wishing for knowledge they either will not or cannot acquire. So when Joe Preacher says he has some 'Smoking Gun' evidence or when Average Jew says the Torah says this or that about the Israeli Occupation of Palestine, you can take it on the authority of some asshole on the internet that they don't know that they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, but think they do. Seems to be a common condition. Cough. 

The Bible/Torah/Koran has done more to sow the seeds of Atheism than any other religious type, and one might be able to make the case, more so than the rest of the religions of the world combined.

I have a theory - if you read the Bible or it's companion tomes, you will come away one of three things:

A Believer, ie you believe in Allah/Yahweh/Jehovah/Jesus.

An Opposer, as in a Satanist. This perspective often results from disgust with the blatant hypocrisy of the supposed 'peaceful and enlightening' aspects of the mainstream religions and thus philosophically people will 'flip the polarity', and many due to the false notions of their Church/Mosque/Temple will equate Satanism with Paganism anyway. So to 'go Pagan' is to 'Go Satan' by such logic, dubious as it may be. This is common - even the Church of Satan isn't Deistic so much as an attempt at philosophical counterpoint to Christianity. 

Or, you will eschew both the above and declare Religion and Spirituality Bankrupt, and declare yourself Atheist. Due to the crimes of one or more sect, all religions are now merely the ramblings of the deranged, and the viewpoint that 'science has proved we don't need God for the universe to exist' seems more tenable than looking at Science and Scientists and seeing the Fervor in some of their eyes, especially those researching the Cosmos or Subatomic Physics. 

It's a Trinity of Idiocy. Insidious to it's core, and a genius bit of black magic. All three seemingly self-evident paths lead to what some might bluntly call Satanism. Satan/Jehovah, Lord of This World. Supposedly the Secret of the 33rd Degree of the Scottish Rite is that "Satan Is God", and looking out upon the Abrahamic World that we live in, I might say, 'duh'. 

You could follow any one of the above paths to friggin' nowhere, and I believe that's exactly what the book was designed to do in the first place. Even in the ancient world, History was History, Parable Parable, and Religion Religion, but in the Bible they're all mixed up, and many people on this planet will scream themselves blue in an attempt to 'prove' that it's all 'true'. A better formula for misleading simpletons you will never concoct. 

For to woship the Named Gods is to worship something other than what actually created you  - the Demiurge. To become Satanic and Evil is obvious of little spiritual or worldly use. And Atheism may be even worse, in my opinion. 

Better, because the Creator was implied, not named, and the named Gods served their purpose as His Emissaries, the point is to not mistake the guard at the gate for the Master of the House. I personally invoke Hermes quite often, but I don't do so in a way to where 'Hermes is God' to me, but Hermes is an Aspect, an archetypal representative. I am, too, but he's got Tenure and I'm a Temp in the same company, if you get my drift. We both work for the Boss, though. 

Notice these three options are both the common reaction to the 'Good Book', but relegate such other options such as Agnosticism, Esotericism/Mysticism, and pretty much every other religion on the Planet, Pagan or not, to irrelevance. You're either a Rationalist Scientistic Atheist or a True Believer of Jesus, Yahweh, or Allah. I've had Christians simply tell me that Buddhism, etc, is so 'obviously inferior' to the parable of Jesus, yet they can't cite why. Yet it's 'obvious.' Or so the loudest screaming idiots in our society would have you believe. It's Black or White, just as our manipulators, the heirs to the ethical legacy of Rome's Divide and Conquer philosophy, wish us to think. 

Black or White, in a world not only consisting of infinite shades of gray, but blinding, psychedelic Technicolor. 

Like I said, an insidious masterwork.

While many folks oversimplify History and it's implications, I myself am trying to work with others to come up with an Actual Representation Of The Reality in Which We All Find Ourselves. Without this, we are Virgins Talking About Fucking, Blind Lemmings Leading Blind Lemmings. We are the average American driver with a dead iPhone and no Tom-Tom. 

If many of these ideas are new to you , and likely a few are, can you imagine how, if proven true, they might alter not only the way we see things, but the things we might change. Or, at least, stop taking for granted.  

Are we to tear down Society? If so, to replace it with What, Exactly? I would think we would want to know The Real Information when making such sweeping decisions. If I'm to trek across America, I want a Rand-McNally map, not a Color-in-the-States map offered to a 5 year old at Denny's on the back of the menu. Some would try to argue that one is the other. 'The map is not the territory' is an old saw at this point, but the Cartoon Map really isn't the territory, if you catch my drift. 

I'm getting tired of searching around Google so I'm going to paraphrase here. Baba Ram Dass mentioned this story in his book Be Here Now, but I can't remember if it happened to him or another Seeker. Anyway, I'm not going to let Facts get in the way of a good story (I'll bet someone has quit this post midway to say basically the same thing, hehe), so here goes:

A Seeker comes before the Master and asks him what he thinks is wrong with the world.

"My son," the Master replies, "The World is Perfect. Including everything you think is wrong with it, and everything you will do in the course of your life to change it, whatever that may be."

When choosing to follow the Mother or the Father, know of that which you are Choosing, is all I ask. In the end, we would not be here without Both, and we should Honor them as such. 

Baba Ram Dass also passed on the nugget that Anyone, living or dead, can be your 'Guru', so there is no need to make a pilgrimage to India to find a 'stereotypical Indian guru'. As soon as I heard that, I Knew, Right Then, who my personal cosmic Guru was.

I'll leave you with some of his thoughts. Thanks for slogging through it all. Hopefully it was worth it, and I'll see you next time. Special bonus for those that might be using Google Translate to translate this into Italian...

Oops. Not the quote I was looking for, but enjoy the vid anyway, and remember this, you Holier Than Thou, Egg Carrying Beings, You:

"“Did you know that when a guy comes, he comes 200 million sperm? And you're trying to tell me that your child is special because one out of 200 million -- that load! we're talking one load! -- connected. Gee, what are the fucking odds? 200 million; you know what that means? I have wiped civilizations off my chest with a gray gym sock. That is special. Entire nations have flaked and crusted in the hair around my navel! That is special. And I want you to remember that, you two egg-carrying beings out there, with that holier-than-thou "we have the gift of life" attitude. I've tossed my underpants...while napping! 

"Boom! A milky way shoots into my jockey shorts...

"Aaaah, what's for fucking breakfast?”

 - Bill Hicks

Does Creation seem analogous to an Egg in a Womb, or A Milky Way Shooting Into Cosmic Jockey Shorts? Or, perhaps a Cosmic Swimming Pool, waiting for an unsuspecting Womb to swim through and create an 'immaculate conception'? After all, Men can impregnate women by accident, and don't even have to be there at the time! 

I'm just asking a question...just trying to start a dialogue we might all benefit from, by asking hard questions and refusing to ignore details that don't conform to 'easy' 'simple' and 'clean' explanations. 

That's all.

'Il Grandissimo' Everything DOES sound cooler in Italian...

Yours in Infamy, 
Cain Robertson
Tin Hat Alley