Sunday, February 5, 2017

Back In The Saddle, Dodging Iron Raindrops

After a long, long hiatus, CID Vicious is back on the keys.

After losing nearly everything...spending months on the cold ground with my dog, scraping up enough to buy a wagon to get out of Monterey, and losing that wagon to LAPD just months later...more concrete pillows...exploitation...street fights...and finally, another box on wheels for the Pooch and I to call home.

Since then, I've been betrayed by wannabe gangster friends, wandered the US from the Mississippi west...Michigan, NOLA, Tucson, Los Angeles, Seattle, LA again, Seattle again, Kansas to hang out with Frater X and work on a breakthrough opportunity that was not to be...and back to Oregon to get properly introduced to some Grammy nominated, Gold Record earning talent.

I've picked Muscaria in Guitar Center parking lots, found my nemesis' nemesis' guitar pick in a pile of picks on top of an amp at a jam, was wearing an Earl Slick sig guitar around my neck with a Mick Ronson strap the day Bowie died, worked the Beyonce show that was hit by lightning, made alliances and friendships with some of the authors I personally respect most, and actually have the personal research materials in my hands, with personal notes, for one of modern Conspiracy Literature's modern classics, as a personal gift by the author. One of my high school musical heroes literally made me a fucking omelette on my visit coming back to LA from Portland.

Oh, and I missed Grant's Pass being shut down for miles and the literal Largest Deposit of Snow in the World on Record recently driving home through Mount Shasta.

Not bad for a Rubber Tramp.

As one might imagine, procuring a worthwhile laptop to compose on again while living under duress and having other considerations financially was not easy. I refuse to write more than a comment or so via a smartphone.

But then, in this time of Madness and Lunacy, perhaps my acid tongue and indomitable spirit are seeing their time to shine.

Cornell West could not speak truth during the Obama administration and be heard, he himself could not find an ear, what chance did I have to say anything that wouldn't have been browbeaten back, because to be of the wrong color and criticize the Black President was inevitably going to be smeared as racist - while the Deporter In Chief deported more illegal immigrants than all of those 'racist' white Presidents of the 20th century did.

Having 'racist' shouted at you by people who 'believe you shouldn't judge anyone'...when did the Right become the Party of Irony Appreciators?

As Freeman Fly notes, the Powers That Be have measures and means to manipulate the Crowd which they govern. One of these measures is the 'Apathy Dipstick', and when Gitmo remained open to silence; when Obama's connection to Chicago organized crime and Henry Kissinger went unnoticed; when the 'Anti-War Left' took an 8 year vacation as the War Theatre was expanded and civilians were droned to death in droves; when John Stewart began tossing underhand softballs after 8 years of brutally knuckle-balling Bush to great applause; when you were 'racist' to point that a Black Man is signing off on deporting millions of mostly Latin immigrants; they then knew they could sell Ice to Inuits.

Now, look at the madness we are all surrounded by.

The Left, whom I have criticized often but while considering myself a member of it, have now become the Point Of Concern.

I was in the South while the riots in Ferguson raged. I saw that when a dozen or more black men took 'revenge' on a random, lone, white civilian, no one was disgusted. Excuses were made, if you even heard of the incident outside the immediate area. Not that it wouldn't have been given a load of excuses for the racist reactionary behavior of some...

I returned to LA and listened as the New Black Panther party spoke on the radio about the gangsters that are grabbing the reigns of power in that organization, I listened to NPR as they gave airtime (not live air, this was chosen in the editing booth) to 'concerned black citizens' who were promoting violence and even went so far as to respond "Oh, we're not stopping at Equality" when asked what their motives were. Saw Martin Luther King Jr's "We have integrated into a burning house" quote taken as 'proof' that they needed to further segregate themselves and 'fight white power', meanwhile such a quote reflects the reality MLK often spoke of for white Americans living in the South. That the powers that be would string your white ass up right next to a black person for speaking out, as 1 out of 3 lynching victims at the time were white, and you would be economically and physically attacked by other, in power whites for resisting the ingrained culture.

So, having "integrated into a burning house", he saw that it wasn't White Power but Power that ran the show. Being equal with the average white man had little to do with prosperity and social power. That there was little "white privilege" to speak of.

That Power respects Power. Look at the ruling classes of different races - they have little trouble rubbing elbows with powerful people of differing backgrounds, while the lower classes were quick to find conflict, much to the glee of their masters above. MLK himself was a celebrity and elite intellectual with a doctorate, not merely some Average Joe Rabble Rouser getting folks riled up at a bar.

I see BLM advocates trying to fling Racist accusations at whites because Trump talks about the same wall Hillary Clinton proposed in 2006, while their own platform promotes segregation of races, land grabbing, inequality, and firmly established borders for their fantasy territory.

The only 'fascism' I see out there are people utilizing Voter Intimidation while being prodded on by the Antifa and being given lion status by the Mainstream Media, whom the Left suppose is a Right mouthpiece any time it posits something they don't agree with.

I see black people attacking white people *without even being sure that they are Trump supporters*. 42% of white eligible voters that participated in this past election *did not vote for Trump*. Nearly a coin-flip's chance, taking out of the equation of course the 45% of Americans who opted "None Of The Above" and didn't vote for the System at all.

I see what was originally characterized as Antifa on Antifa violence outside a Seattle Milo rally as it turned into a juicier story of an Asian Trump supporter getting beat up, his MAGA hat stolen, and when he confronted his attacker to regain his hat, and was met with violent intent, he shot his attacker in self defense, thus being released with no charges by Seattle PD. So the Antifa, aside from engaging in fascist activities as they 'fight fascism', are themselves not unlikely, it seems, to engage in racial violence themselves, even if their preferred victims are other white people wearing the 'wrong hat'.

I see a black 'anti-bullying advocate' woman beating up on an elderly white man and smiling in court, showing zero remorse, and zero acknowledgement of the irony of her actions. Few people are more easy targets for bullying than the elderly.

I see another elderly man stopped in traffic by a group of angry black men who forced him out of his car, beat on him, kicked him, ransacked his car, and then, when he tried to prevent them stealing his car, was dragged alongside it at speeds up to 65mph, and was let go mid-corner at 45mph. This would be considered attempted murder and a Hate Crime by any reasonable standard.

I see four black youth abducting a young white Special Needs man, torturing and scalping him live on the internet, and the same week all anyone talks of on the Left is what a speech Meryl Streep gave. On her bully pulpit, taking advantage of her prestige and wealth to bully others into thinking as she does.

Imagine the furor if four white youths abducted and scalped a special needs black man live on camera. Imagine that being ignored by the media.

I see BLM leaders in Seattle saying "we need to start killing people" and advocating essentially mass looting, 'your money, your homes, we're coming for it all'.

I see the Left talking casually about 'punching Nazis' because they didn't even watch the video with Richard whatshisname, certainly didn't notice the "WHITE LIVES MATTER TOO MUCH" sign in the background, and weren't paying attention to *what he was actually saying, literally before the sucker-punch*, which was that he wasn't a Nazi, didn't Identify as a Nazi, and was not even admired by Neo-Nazi groups.

Of course, as everyone has already pointed out, we have a bunch of people burning living trees on the campus of a publicly owned University, destroying property public and private, gang-stomping lone white people, macing women, all in the name of denying a Gay, Jewish Immigrant with a fetish for Black Men a change to speak his mind.

It's not so much 'punching Nazis' as 'smearing anyone you don't agree with with the Nazi brush to justify violence against them'. If the Leftists, Liberals, supposedly, think you are a Nazi, then to them you are a valid target, even if all you have utilized thus far are words.

I see those who used to post "If Your Ideas Can Only Be Enforced By Violence, Then Your Ideas Are Worthless" memes during the Bush years, and yeah even during the Obama years, wondering aloud if the Left is being violent enough yet.

And the justification of this? Words. Not actions, like the Departed Deporting Droner-In-Chief.

Angry about Trump, but mute about Obama, whom Trump's policies largely reflect. Iraq was on a ban list for 6 months under Obama, but we don't remember because the Left wasn't into the whole 'truth' thing that whole time. "Our guy" won, so we stopped paying attention.

Ask Cornell West if this sowed the Seeds of the future Trump victory and his popular support. Since, as a white, heterosexual male sure of his gender, I am suspect. Though I am also a Pagan, Homeless Artist who obviously has spent little time in this piece or elsewhere Praising The Cheeto, who was in a band with the hippies who invented Flower Power, who has taken two black homeless men off of the street and personally housed them for months at a time and in one case personally employed him, though I have been a friend and confidant to LGBT, though my ex is "blacker than the Ace of Spades" by her words, though most of my best friends have been Jews, Mexicans, Biracial People, I am prone to being labeled a Nazi and shouted down because in 2013 I wore a Fedora in a few pictures. Smoking gun proof of ill intent, which, of course...

...should be met with Preemptive Strikes, Bush Style, to prove how different you really are from those war-mongers, and how strong your ethical and moral positions, and argued positions, really are. 

Well, maybe you did. I have been seeing the cracks in the facade since Obama was the President Elect.

I continue to notice that which most people do not. Stay tuned for more...

"If your anti-war stance depends on whom is holding office, the problem is with you."

1 comment:

  1. Now that's how it's done folks. This 'Crazy Irish F*ck' will take you on a journey peering through the looking glass with a perspective unlike any other. Heart, soul, truth and clarity is what's being served at this table. What's for desert you ask? Stay tuned... -Db Simmz 2017
